《Poly Bridge》全关卡新手指南图文攻略

3 -Material 材料属性

Math is boring, that's why we spent countless minutes finding good values for the strength of materials. For those math addicts out there here are the numbers,measured in PolyNewtons.



Road: Provides a surface for your vehicles to drive on.——有车必有路

- Strength: Varies*(根据环境变化)——强度

- Max Length: 2m——最大长度

- Cost: $200/m——成本

Wood: The cheapest construction material.——最便宜的建筑材料 木

- Strength: 800PN

- Max Length: 2m

- Cost: $180/m

Steel: Stronger and longer than wood.——比木强,比木长

- Strength: 2000PN

- Max Length: 4m

- Cost: $450/m

Cable: Cables do not haveany compressive strength, tensile strength only.


- Strength: 1200PN

- Max Length: Unlimited

- Cost: $220/m

Hydraulics: Used for drawbridges. Expands or contracts to a specified length.


- Strength: 1800PN

- Max Length: 4m

- Cost: $750/m

Suspension: Place a suspension cable between two points. See 6- Suspension for more info.


- Strength: 2000PN

- Max Length: Unlimited

- Cost: $260/m

PN = PolyNewtons

m = metres

* Road Strength is 700PN if unsupported, 1200-1400PN if supported by 1~3+non-road materials.


4 - Vehicles车辆重量

Old Man Vespa: 1Pg——低座摩托车

Tuk Tuk: 2.5Pg——三轮车

City Car: 3Pg——小汽车

Mini Car: 4Pg——MINICooper

Little Bug: 4.5Pg——小型巴士

Station Wagon: 5Pg——旅行車

Vintage Car: 5Pg——老爷车

Sports Car: 5.5Pg——跑车

Monster Truck: 6Pg——巨轮卡车

Surfer Van: 6.5Pg——面包车

Police Car: 7Pg——警车

Taxi: 7.5Pg——的士

Ice Cream Truck: 8Pg——冰淇淋车

Lorry: 8.5Pg——大货车

School Bus: 8.5Pg——校巴

London Bus: 11Pg——伦敦双层巴士

Dump Truck: 12Pg——泥头车

Pg = Polygrams

4.1 - Boat船舶

Some bridges need to allow boats to pass as well as traverse a gap.Boats don't stop for anything, make sure your bridge is clear!


Small Tugboat: A cute littletugboat, Size: Small, 6x10——小型拖轮

Tugboat: Needs lots of room,Size: Large, 9x17——拖轮

第1页:目录/操作/界面/状态说明 第2页:材料属性/车辆/船舶说明 第3页:节点/结构/环节/桥型说明 第4页:第一关:高山牧场 第5页:第二关:沙漠风暴 第6页:第三关:雪地漂移 第7页:第四关:远古遗迹 第8页:第五关:80年代乐园 第9页:第六关:禅境花园