龙腾世纪起源 控制台代码

时间:2010/11/25 09:37:42 编辑:Ocean

1 - Alistair
2 - war dog 狗狗
3 – Morrigan 大美女
4 - Wynne
5 - Shale 隐藏人物,dlc
6 - Sten
7 - Zevran
8 - Oghren
9 - Leliana
runscript ai off - Turns off AI 禁用AI。可以让npc变白痴。
runscript selectparty - Party selection screen
runscript chargen - Origin screen
runscript pc_immortal - Player can't be killed. To make party members immortal you must make them the active character and use the command.是指令某人物无敌,但必须把该人物设为当前主动控制状态。
runscript killallhostiles - Kills attackers 杀死所有敌人
runscript zz_dropparty - Removes entire party 把某个队员踢出队伍
runscript zz_pre_demo2 - Teleports player and party to Ostagar, may have other use 把玩家和队伍传送到Ostagar,可能还有其他用处
runscript zz_pre_strategy - Teleports player and party to Duncan's fire in Ostagar, may have other use把玩家和队伍传送到Ostagar的Duncan's fire处,可能还有其他用处
runscript zz_talk_nearest - Talk to nearest NPC, don't think it applies to party members 和离玩家最近的npc对话,对团队内人员无效
runscript warrior - Makes player a warrior? 把玩家职业变为战士,慎用。强制删除人物装备,经验和技能清零。
runscript SetPlayerImmortal - Same as pc_immortal 和pc_immortal命令相同,见上文
runscript healplayer - Instantly heals all party members 立即治愈队内所有人
runscript zz_givearmor - Adds Dragonbone Legion Armor to inventory 打了此命令后装备会立即穿在身上。如果人物的强壮低于42,则无法穿在身上,会把四件套装甲丢在背包中,且会堆叠在一格中。
runscript zz_party_addgifts - Adds the following gifts to inventory: 给npc送礼物,加好感,影响最终结局和XXOO,慎用。Npc的兴趣有好恶之分,给错的后果严重。用SL大法吧。。。

-Antivan Leather Boots
-Dalish Gloves

第1页:第1页 第2页:第2页 第3页:第3页 第4页:第4页 第5页:第5页 第6页:第6页 第7页:第7页