
时间:2014/10/30 17:16:44 编辑:Ocean



Lords and Judges (王者与审判者)
Unlock all Trophies 解锁所有奖杯


By the book (循规蹈矩)
Find 60 audio notes 找到60个语音笔记


My private stash (我的私藏)
Get 12 special weapons 得到12种特殊武器


Harkyn collection (Harkyn的收藏)
Collected 20 armor sets 收集20套装备


Way of the cleric (牧师之路)
Complete the game as Cleric 以牧师职业完成游戏


Way of the rogue (盗贼之路)
Complete the game as Rogue 以盗贼职业完成游戏


Way of the warrior (战士之路)
Complete the game as Warrior 以战士职业完成游戏


Against all odds (如此艰难)
Defeat any Boss without taking damage 无伤打败任意一个BOSS


Go breaking my heart (来伤我心)
Collected 9 Tyrant Hearts 收集9个暴君之心


Human skull (人类骷髅头)
Collected 25 Human Skulls 收集25个人类骷髅头


Only after Disaster (灾难之后)
Defeat the Worshiper 打败崇拜者


Not a question of can or can't (这不是一个能或不能的问题)
Defeat the Annihilator 打败歼灭者


Hard shell, soft core (外强中干)
Defeat the Commander 打败指挥官


Thousands of candles (灯烛辉煌)
Defeat the Guardian 打败守护者


So that's a Lord! (就这也算个王!)
Defeat First Warden 打败第一典狱长


No time for losers (永不言败)
Defeat the Champion 打败捍卫者


Seal the gate (封印大门)
Defeat the Infiltrator 打败渗透者


Anger is a gift (愤怒是一种天赋)
Defeat the Beast 打败野兽


Two against one (二欺一)
Defeat Lost Brothers 打败失落兄弟


He speaks in riddles (他用谜语说话)
Meet the Blacksmith 遇到铁匠


Treasure left alone (留下财宝)
Loot all Treasure Chambers 搜刮所有宝箱


Are you not entertained? (你不乐在其中吗?)
Complete all Proving Grounds 完成所有试验场


No one can hear you scream (没人能听到你叫喊)
Complete all Infinite Voids 完成所有无限虚空


Strong with this one (它使你强大)
Unlock all spells for one class 解锁所有魔法的第一级


Give him power (给他力量)
Buy your first Attribute or Spell Point 购买你的第一个属性点数或魔法点数


It's bound to take your life (必取你命)
Die for the first time 第一次死亡


Myself again (我还是我)
Retrieve lost experience by collecting your ghost 捡回灵魂,拿回经验


Bookworm (书虫)
Find a note that someone left behind 找到一个某人留下的笔记


Extra strong (特强)
Upgrade the Health Potions 升级血瓶


All in (赌上所有)
Defeat a boss with at least 20000 unspent experience 携带20000经验打败一个BOSS


Couldn't have done it myself (臣妾做不到)
Let a boss destroy the statue during fight 在战斗中让BOSS摧毁雕像


Good with weapons (善用武器)
Collect all weapon types 收集到所有类型的武器


Killing monsters (杀戮怪兽)
Kill all types of enemies at least once 杀死所有种类的怪物各至少一次


This! Is! Keystone! (这!是!重点!)
Kick an enemy into his death 用踢击使一个怪物死亡


He who protect us (保护我们的人)
Met Antanas 遇到Antanas


The real Lords starts here (真王始于此)
Entered the Rhogar realm 进入Rhogar王国


Shout at the gods (怒喝神明)
Met Adyr 遇到Adyr


Now we're talking (现在我来劲了)
Found the Gauntlet 找到金属手套


I feel lucky (我觉得幸运)
Purified the sword of the unlucky grave robber 净化不幸盗墓者的剑


Fool of a Tuck (一塔克的傻瓜)
Throw a corpse down the bottomless pit in Catacombs 扔一具尸体到地下墓穴的无底洞


Take my hand (牵手)
Cut off Monk's arm 砍掉僧侣的胳膊


I saw everything (我看到了一切)
Entered 15 secret rooms 进入15个秘密房间


Do unto others... (己所不欲……)
Killed the First Warden with the Warden Greatsword 用典狱长大剑杀死第一典狱长


She was the last woman here (她曾是这里的最后一个女人)
Showed mercy to an imprisoned monster 宽恕一个被囚禁的怪物


God is dead (神明已死)
Led humans to victory 带领人类走向胜利


Faith is weakness (信仰既弱点)
Led Rhogar to victory 带领Rhogar走向胜利


Whole world in his hands (只手遮天)
Bring balance to both realms 为两个国家带来和谐

  • 好玩

  • 不好玩
