水果忍者 29全成就中英对照表

时间:2011/06/17 16:38:03 编辑:Ocean



01.Fruit Ninja - Get a score of 50 in classic mode
01.在 classic mode 得到50分

02.Great Fruit Ninja - Get a score of 100 in classic mode
02.在 classic mode 得到100分

03.Ultimate Fruit Ninja- Get a score of 200 in classic mode
03.在 classic mode 得到200分

04.Fruit Fight - Killed 150 fruit total

05.Fruit Blitz - Killed 500 fruit total

06.Fruit Rampage - Killed 1,000 fruit total

07.Fruit Rampage - Killed 5,000 fruit total

08.Fruit Annihilation - Killed 10,000 fruit total

09.Go Banana - Killed 10 bananas in on round of classic mode
09.在 classic mode 里一盘切掉10个香蕉

10.No Doctors Here - Killed 15 apples in one round of classic mode
10.在 classic mode 里一盘切掉15个苹果

11.Purple is a Fruit - Killed 20 plums in one round of classic mode
11.在 classic mode 里一盘切掉20个李子

12.Lucky Ninja - Get 6 critical hits in one round of classic mode
12.在 classic mode 里一盘切出6个致命一击

13.Its all Pear Shaped! - Killed 3 Pears in a row in classic mode
13.在 classic mode 里一行切掉3个梨

14.Mango Magic - Got a critical hit with a mango

15.Deja Vu - Killed 4 of the same type of fruit in a row in classic mode
15.在 classic mode 里一行切掉4个同类水果

16.Are you kidding me? - Failed with the same score as your personal best

17.Wake up - Failed with a score of 0

18.Tee Hee Hee - Failed with a score of 69

19.Almost a Century - Failed with a score of 99

20.Combo Mambo - Sliced 6 fruit in one combo

21.Moment of Zen - Achieved a score of 200 in zen mode
21.在 Zen mode 下得到200分

22.Patience is a Virtue - Sliced 10 "Coming Soon" fruits
22.切掉10个“即将到来”的水果 (就是Arcade mode中在切掉Frenzy香蕉后连续切10个从旁边出来的水果)

23.Year of the Dragon - Sliced the secret fruit (This is a rare fruit that comes 24.from the side of the screen and gives the player 50 points)

24.Lovely Bunch - Get the Lovely Bunch star in zen mode (A Lovely Bunch is a combo with just coconuts)
24.在 zen mode 下取得一群星星(其实就是切掉一组椰子的组合,看RP)

25.Over Achiever - Get a score over 400 after all bonuses in Arcade Mode
25.在 Arcade mode 中取得一个高于400的分数

26.Under Achiever - Ger a score less than 20 after all bonuses in Arcade Mode
26.在 Arcade mode 中取得一个低于20的分数(砍10个水果,再砍一个炸弹,最后砍两个奖励香蕉.达成)

27.Hit three bombs and scored over 250 after all bonuses in Arcade Mode
27.在 arcade mode 中命中3个炸弹后取得总分高于250分的成绩

28.Perfectionist - Retried a game 3 times in a row.
28.在任意模式下游戏重玩3次.(连续点左下角的暂停按钮里的重新开始三次 任意模式)

29.Night Shift - Completed 3 games between the hours of 2am and 5am.
29.黑白颠倒 在凌晨两点至五点 三种游戏模式各玩一次(顺序不计)

30.Connected Ninja - Posted a seore on Facebook or Twitter
30.将自己记录发到Facebook 或者 Twitter 上一次 (在国内必须翻墙才能上传)
